NODES of Knowledge 2020

University, innovation and research regarding horizon 2030

The International Congress Nodes of Knowledge 2020 is a virtual multidisciplinary meeting which is opened to the university, teaching, scientific and research community. That is, it is a an important space to give visibility to new research, doctoral studies, projects in development and so on.

This congress represents the concept of»quality of teacher training”. Additionally, it is equipped with tools to maximize its academic relevance, such as  peer review of the papers presented or public access with regards to generate an academic dialogue.

The event is designed to facilitate synergies among participants in order to enable the creation of new international collaborations around the different proposed nodes of knowledge. For this reason, the participants will be able to use different tools so as to develop internal communication and academic promotion.

This is an important appointment based on the success and experience which has been accumulated in the numerous international congresses held by the Academic Organization and the Technical Secretary in recent years.

The participation will be virtual due to the current situation. Moreover, the organization has decided to avoid live presentations to facilitate the participation of the speakers with regards to adapt different schedules and agendas of  participants.

Thus, papers must be presented in Spanish, English, French, Italian or Portuguese.


  • Official certification of the defense of the paper at the congress.
  • Official certification of the participation at the congress and summary of works in an abstracts book.
  • Digital publication of the abstract of the paper in a collective book by the editorial Egregius Ediciones(ISBN)
  • Publication of the whole paper at Dykinson editorial (Q1).*

* The participation in the publications is voluntary.

Participation as speaker

Please, pay attention to the instructions and read them in order to know how to participate as speaker.

The participation in this congress will be online and virtual. Therefore, all activities will be deferred and none will carry out live or streaming presentations.

The organization has decided to avoid live presentations to facilitate the participation of the speakers with regards to adapt the schedules and the agendas of the participants.

In order to participate in the congress, people must be registered in the platform. After that, they must log in and submit the abstract to one of the available symposia of the congress. This abstract must be written in Spanish, English, French, Italian or Portuguese. The format of the abstract has to be:

  • Extension between 400 and 500 words maximum.
  • If it is a research, the text will have to include an introduction, methods, discussion, results and conclusions (without bibliography).
  • However, if it is a review, it will be able to be obviated the hypotheses, methods and results.
  • Finally, it will be added between 3 and 5 keywords included in Thesaurus.

It is highly recommended revising the nodes and symposia previously in order to know which it is the most suitable for the participation.

Once your proposal is accepted by peers review, it will be published in the list of papers of the symposium. Then, the speaker must record a video of the defense of the presentation. The guidelines of the video will be described in the following section. Please, pay attention to these guidelines. >>>

Requirements to certificate the participation:

  • The participant must sign a paper as an author.
  • The video must be included on the website of the congress.
  • Two or more questions must be asked to other speakers of the symposium in which the participant is taking part.
  • The speaker must answer the questions which other participants ask about his or her presentation.

In addition to this, if the participant wanted to interact with other symposia, it could be able to do it. It is very welcome any contribution.

Number of authors and papers

  • All the authors have to be registered and they have to pay for the fee in order to participate in the congress. Consequently, each author can present three papers.
  • Each paper must have a maximum of 4 authors.

Prices for registration*

  • Reduced price until November 16th 2020: 140€
  • Normal price from November 17th to December 10th 2020: 180€

* Taxes are included in these prices. Moreover, an invoice will be delivered with tax data.

** All the authors have to be registered in the congress.


  • Participants will be able to interact in different symposia asking questions and making comments to the authors.
  • They will be able to contact with authors and coordinators through an internal messaging system of the platform.
  • Each author will be able to send until 3 papers.
  • Official certification of the presentation of the paper in the congress.
  • Official certification of participation in the congress and the abstracts book.
  • Digital publication of the abstracts in a collective book by the editorial Egregius Ediciones(ISBN)
  • Publication of the whole paper at Dykinsoneditorial (Q1).*

* The participation in the publications is voluntary.

Virtual presentation

Guidelines and recommendations for the recording of the video of the presentation

It is only necessary that one of the authors participates in the video, although all the authors will be able to participate.

In order to defense the presentation, the author will be able to use all the recording techniques which he or she considers appropriate:

  • Personal presentation without visual support
  • Presentation with slides (power point presentation, etc.) and a narration by the author or authors.
  • Mixed presentation by using personal presentation and slide presentation.

In any case, there must be a speaker. Therefore, videos with only text will not be admitted on the grounds that the “human presence” will be necessary.

It is recommended recording the video with a horizontal format. Nevertheless, if the author has problems to use this format, videos with vertical format will also be accepted.

The sound must be appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended choosing a space with little ambient noise.

The video must be between 5 and 15 minutes. It should be included all the contents of the presentation.

The author will be able to use all the technical means which he or she considers appropriate. In contrast, the video must be upload to a personal profile on YouTube and it must be clicked the down arrow under “Visibility” and choose “Public”.

As a result, this link will be included in the appropriate section of the form. This link will be available when the abstract of the presentation has been accepted.

The making and uploading of the video should not be delayed. Participants should watch the video and interact in the congress.

If the speaker has important technical difficulties to upload on YouTube, he or she will be able to send the video to the Technical Secretary through . In this case, the speaker should write as addressee the following email:


  • The final paper should be submitted to the platform of the congress between December 14th 2020 and January 31st 2021 (deadline). There is a form linked to each presentation (“my presentations”). One way to verify that the file has been submitted correctly is to exit and enter the profile and check if the name of the uploaded file is actually in the form space.
  • There is a template in Word format which should be used to edit the text of the presentation. The author should use this model facilitate the layout which will be done by the organization of the congress.
  • The whole text must include between 5000 and 7000 words.
  • If the text is a research, this will include an introduction, objectives, methods, discussion, results, conclusions and bibliography.
  • If the text is a review, the hypotheses, methods and results can be obviated.
  • The maximum file extension that can be submitted to the platform is 10 Mb. If there were difficulties to reduce the file, it would be necessary to contact with the technical secretary.
  • The publication of the book of Dykinson will take place in March 2021. After that, the organization will send an email to each participant to inform about the availability.


  • Deadline to submit abstracts: November 16th 2020
  • Registration (reduced price): until November 16th 2020
  • Submission of videos of the presentation: until December 8th 2020.
  • Celebration of the congress: December 10th and 11th 2020
  • Submission of final papers to be published: from December 14th 2020 to January 31st 2021
  • Publication of the book of the congress in Dykinson editorial: March 2021.