Javier Adrada de la Torre
Pais España Adscripción Institucional PhD Researcher at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Translation and Documentation
Pais España Adscripción Institucional PhD Researcher at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Translation and Documentation
Born in Madrid in 1996, Javier Adrada de la Torre holds a Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he later studied a Master's Degree in Hispanic Literatures, as well as another Master's Degree in Artistic, Literary and Cultural Studies. With a doctoral fellowship from "la Caixa" Foundation, he is currently working on his doctoral thesis in the Faculty of Translation and Documentation of the University of Salamanca, under the direction of Professor Vidal Claramonte. He is also a member of the "Translation, Ideology and Culture" Research Group (USAL), coordinated by Prof. Vidal Claramonte, and belongs to the Researching Team of the Research Project "Violencia simbólica y traducción: retos en la representación de identidades fragmentadas en la sociedad global" (VIOSIMTRAD; FFI2015-66516-p), leaded by Prof. Vidal Claramonte and Prof. Martín Ruano. Javier's doctoral research focuses on the reciprocal influence between translation and literary creation ―specifically, on the figure of Luis Cernuda as a translator of German poetry, and how such intercultural activity moulded his transnational identity and his conception of exile. He is also the author of the academic book Luis Cernuda and Friedrich Hölderlin: traducción, poesía y representación (Granada, Comares, 2020), as well as of the novels La aurora de los girasoles (I Prize MRA Ediciones, Barcelona, 2014) and Espejismo de un dios (Madrid, Diversidad Literaria, 2017).