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Javier Navarro-de-Pablos

Pais España Adscripción Institucional Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio. Universidad de Sevilla.

Sobre mí

Architect (2015), Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage (2017) and Master in Urbanism, Planning and Urban Development (Extraordinary Award, 2019). Since then, he has been part of the Department of Urban and Territorial Planning of the University of Seville, teaching at Higher School of Architecture, where is currently working on his doctoral thesis in joint supervision with the University of Rome, La Sapienza. He has been invited professor in the Master PARES of the Sapienza-Università di Roma and the Master in Architectural Communication of the School of Madrid. As a professional he has carried out research for the Ministry of Development, worked at the University Institute of Architecture and Construction Sciences of the University of Seville (2016-2017), and collaborated with local studios. During his academic training he has carried out workshops and international stays. PFC Award in the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.