Contexts, Challenges and Communication Trends in the Internationalization of Higher Education: A Systematized Review.

The internationalization of higher education is a process that has led to substantial changes in universities. It has gone from being a reactive issue, as in its beginnings, to a proactive issue of great strategic relevance (Brandenburg and De Wit, 2011). Within this context, and through the analysis of the different models and strategies of internationalization, it becomes clear that communication is a fundamental element in the process of integrating the international dimension into the foundation of institutions (Davies, 1992; Van Dijk and Meijer, 1994; Rudzki, R, 1993; Knight, 1994; De Wit, 2002; Haug and Vilalta, 2010). However, progress in this area is limited (Gacel-Avila, 2018), and the binomial internationalization and communication is presented as an opportunity to contribute from research, for the theory and practice of communication as a strategy for the internationalization of universities.

In the present study we analyzed the scientific production articles that discuss this binomial, with the aim of identifying the contexts, challenges and trends, as well as gaps and opportunities for research. The methodology used was a systematized literature review of 215 articles published from 2015 to 2020, in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The methodology used was the ReSiste-CHS Framework proposed by Codina (2018) for systematized reviews in Human and Social Sciences. This framework led us to validate the articles through the inclusion/exclusion criteria based on two aspects: the pragmatic or relevance criteria of the documents found, to avoid false positives, and under the criteria of the quality of the research conducted (Dixon-Woods et al., 2006). The findings show a greater number of publications in the countries of China, Russia, UK and the United States, mainly in the sectors of education, management, information technology and marketing. It concludes with possible lines of research for future investigations.

Palabras clave

communication Higher Education internationalization Marketing systematized review

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Erika M. Ruiz-Castillo

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      María Luisa Cárdenas Rica

      Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 13:08:34

      Enhorabuena por su comunicación, me parecido importante y necesaria. Su contenido me ha trasladado a la recién aprobada Ley Celaá. Cómo puede influir la nueva Ley orgánica Educativa en las enseñanzas Universitarias.
      Muchas gracias.


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        Erika M. Ruiz-Castillo

        Comentó el 12/12/2020 a las 10:47:08

        Muchas gracias por su comentario Dra.
        Siempre me ha llamado la atención los idiomas existentes en el mundo, y sin duda las culturas se transmiten también a través de el aprendizaje del idioma. Este tema en particular nos hace reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de la comunicación y la cultura, no solo el idioma, en el proceso de internacionalización de las universidades. Pensar en no solo obtener algo desde el entorno, si no en todo lo que también podemos aportar cada una de las instituciones educativas al rededor del mundo. Muy interesante la Ley Celaá en este respecto.
        Un gran saludo y ¡seguimos en contacto!


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