Key aspects of a School of Young Science Communicators: from room to zoom, from fake to wake.

Our group has recently started a School for Young Science Communicators, addressed but not limited towards Science students. We have been involved in the recent past with small informal environments where Science Dissemination is taught and experimented. Our experience has led us to think that a larger effort must be made to increase science culture of society, which has shown as especially lacking during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns.


Since March 2020, new, easy ways to gather online and communicate efficiently have emerged. The word «zoom» has replaced the word «room» for schools but especially for universities, which at least are carrying out a hybrid teaching model. Of a sudden, instructors, students and schools had to adapt to the online environment. Those that had acquired some experience and skills, for instance because they had set up MOOCs in the first part of the 10’s, had some advantage.


The use of online tools has brought about new opportunities for young people who had not thought about communicating and disseminating. Further, even though similarities exist between face-to-face and online communication, the large diversity of devices, connection quality, and personal skills have shown the need of a new kind of rather informal instruction on this subject.


The barrier between higher education and secondary institutions is sometimes too large. The purpose of the school we have started is also to close the gap or lower such a barrier, because young science students will be the best communicators, even mentors, to high-school students, especially those about to start university degrees.


This communication will pinpoint our new School, by showing preliminary outcomes and inputs by students: their expectations, their motivations, and their willingness to increase Public Awareness of Science (and even Public Understanding, of course). Our contribution will also tackle how such a School may help in preventing disinformation and misinformation, while increasing Critical Thinking by young students. Fighting fake news is of utmost important in complex times like those of the current pandemics, and waking up minds should be a duty of the academic community.


Last but not least, we will review similar experiences around the world which may provide clues for best practices, because love for Science should also carry love for disseminating it. Furthermore, one must take into account that Science Communication needs Mathematics, which in turn needs Language – and communication techniques. Thus, a truly transdisciplinary approach can be taken and transferred to students.


Palabras clave

Critial Thinking Science comunication students

Ponencia Online

Documentación de apoyo a la presentación ONLINE de la ponencia

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Documento Complementario de Apoyo
Descargar Presentació-sense-títol.pdf


Los autores de la ponencia

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Sílvia Simon

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Josep Duran Carpintero

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Fernando Blasco

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Miquel Duran Portas

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Preguntas y comentarios al autor/es

Hay 9 comentarios en esta ponencia

    • profile avatar

      Luiz Cláudio Gomes Maia

      Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 19:45:35

      Parabéns pelo trabalho. Gostei do aspecto lúdico feito do jogo das palavras Zoom e Room.


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        Miquel Duran Portas

        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 20:03:45

        Luiz, actually we like word play, like "From FAKE to WAKE: BAKE and MAKE". Let's wake up and fight fake news... let's bake scientific knowledge so people can make things for a living and create a great society. :-) (Dr. Simon gave such a talk yesterday somewhere else)


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      Miquel Duran Portas

      Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 07:34:04

      Thanks Henrique for your question. I think that researchers should have a minium, reasonable skill to create an audiovisual, informative capsule. Indeed current researchers (outside communication studies, indeed) did not build such skills during their student times. But current and future students should.

      There are many online tools available for a small fee that yield simple, attractive graphics, images and video clips. Furthermore, tips to record good enough videos are found every now and then. What we find, however, is that there is a lack of proper attitude by academic and research government bodies regarding science communication skills. And of course, proper reward of those that take special interest into science communication along with their core research.


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        Henrique E. C. França

        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 13:49:47

        Thanks for your answer, professor. I think you target the point when says about a lack of proper attitude by academic and research government bodies regarding science communication skills. It's have to be change! Let's work for it. Thank you once more.


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      Sandra Leal González

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 22:15:51

      Muchas gracias por vuestra presentación, ha sido muy dinámica.
      Muy Interesante el feedback de los estudiantes.
      Me gustaría saber vuestra opinión sobre la valoración curricular de la divulgación científica
      Gracias de antemano


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        Sílvia Simon

        Comentó el 12/12/2020 a las 20:38:21

        Gracias por tu comentario.

        La valoración curricular de la divulgación científica (de cara a los investigadores) está siendo valorada a nivel europeo, pero a nivel nacional (español) estamos realmente muy lejos. Actualmente, como que esta acaba restando parte de la investigación, acaba penalizando más que sumando. Pero soy optimista, y creo que poco a poco se verá la necesidad de comunicar las investigaciones / Ciencias /humanidades etc, para de esta forma poder tenier una sociedad más preparada, con más pensamiento c´ritici.


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      Jair Esquiaqui

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 16:47:54

      Muchas gracias, maestros, por esta interesante ponencia.
      Ante el crecimiento exponencial de la digitalización en las nuevas formas de enseñanza y en la comunicación, ¿cuáles creen que deben ser las claves para estimular la participación de los jóvenes científicos en actividades divulgativas como La Noche Europea de los investigadores, o similares?
      ¡Un saludo!


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        Josep Duran Carpintero

        Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 20:05:17

        Hola, Jair.
        Muchas gracias por tu interés en esta comunicación. Ésta es la segunda respuesta que hago a una interesante pregunta tuya.
        Cuando te refieres a jóvenes científicos entiendo que te refieres a estudiantes o jóvenes investigadores universitarios.
        En nuestro caso hace casi 20 años que decidimos dedicar parte de nuestra dedicación a la divulgación. Desde el 2008 bajo la ampara de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica y Comunicación Digital (C4D)de nuestra universidad.
        La cátedra ha desarrollado cientos de actividades de comunicación y divulgación científica, dirigidos a jóvenes, como la que cita usted: la Noche Europea de los Investigadores.
        Este amplio bagaje es conocido por nuestros estudiantes, y se plantean la posibilidad de colaborar o participar en alguna de las actividades que proponemos. También como aprendizaje para ellos.
        Comunicar ciencia requiere de un esfuerzo. El lenguaje especializado que utilizamos los científicos en nuestro entorno de trabajo no es conocido por la mayoría de la sociedad. Por ello requiere una adaptación. También es necesario simplificar contenidos, con la pérdida de matices que este ejercicio conlleva.
        Cuando los estudiantes interpretan la comunicación como un reto y un aprendizaje, sólo es necesario un pequeño paso para su participación en actividades de divulgación.
        Espero haber respondido a tu pregunta. Te envío un cordial saludo.


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      Henrique E. C. França

      Comentó el 09/12/2020 a las 10:33:53

      Parabéns pelo trabalho e pela apresentação. Pergunto: como desenvolver conteúdos que possam aliar a geração de conhecimento científico fundamentado e o prazer de desfrutar um bom programa audiovisual? Deveriam os pesquisadores adentrarem no universo do fazer midiático e dominar essa linguagem, essas ferramentas?


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