The Moderating Role of Self-Identity to Improve Linguistic Attitudes towards a Second Language in Rural Schools

This paper reports on an experimental study about the improvement of English as a second language mediated by an instructional practice based on an international and educational e-Twinning project joined to self-identity. Taking into consideration identity development and sense of self is essential to achieve an inclusive education especially in rural schools. Many variables around self-identity such as self-esteem, self-concept, voluntary self-control and attention process influence on motivation and the improvement of Linguistic and Communicative Competence in second language.  This experimental study recruited a convenience sample of 38 Spanish students from a rural area in southern Spain.  Rural areas are usually characterized by specific attributes therefore studies in those areas arouse special interests for research. The eTwinning project is described in this study and their benefits according to the results given. Results showed foreign language learning improved grammar competence in L2 (second language). Finally, this study demonstrated the planning of instructional practices close to students through motivating topics stimulates the improvement of Linguistic and Communicative Competence in English in schools from rural areas and the participation of all the Educational Community.

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Palabras clave

identity development. learning Linguistic and Communicative Competence linguistic attitudes second language

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Rafael Crismán Pérez

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      Maite Amondarain Garrido

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 11:45:06

      Hello Isabel and Rafael, good morning and thank you for your interesting presentation. I am Maite Amondarain Garrido, a PhD student in Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, I find this sort of projects open to the whole educational community such as e-Twinning really appealing and motivating for everyone participating in them. I do think they are an excellent tool to promote many linguistic, identity and communicative aspects to all the participants and as a Primary teacher I am very much involved in this educational stage. I was wondering though and I’m curious about the way you measured grammatical improvement, did you assess their competence before and after the experience to this regard? How did you do it?

      Thanks and regards,



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        Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 11:51:35

        Dear Maite,
        of course e-Twinning is a good tool to foster Linguistic and Communicative Competence and specifically to this project, self-identity. I am a Primary Teacher too and We have involved in many contacts with students from different countries specially Turkey. Besides, the contents of an e-Twinning Project called I love my town implies the commitment with local town being the Local Council actively involved in the project as well.
        We measured morphosyntax awareness through the test TAELIS which covers receptive skills. We focused on reading ones.
        It is an experimental study, so we take scores before and after the treatment or project.
        Best wishes, Isabel


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