CÓD.N01-S10-C-86-S01-24 ONLINE

Distributed leadership through the bibliometric analysis

A distributed perspective on school leadership and management has garnered significant attention from policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in several countries over the past decade, the Principal’s leadership success and development forms and part alert because of the second-largest school element. Hence, with the pattern of education changes in the globalization world and future trend, the thought of distributed leadership (DL) would be considered applicable for varsity Principals and school administrators’ DL is totally different from ancient strategies to check and develop leadership. Most of the important institutions focused on DL change, managed government, and institutions. This communication provides a summary of the state of the art of analysis (DL). The final objective was to try and do a  descriptive bibliometric study to improve a depth view of the scientific literature on DL, between 2000 and 2021. The final data consists of 533 articles divided by 297 (WoS) and 236 (SCOPUS). With these innovative analyses we tent to answer questions on the evolution of the studies and years, journal’s impact, its outstanding topics, methodologies, and most cited authors, related to universities, institutions, and countries, additionally determine variables as idioms and countries, co-citations and co-occurrences of the authors’ such keywords. In the style design, we tend to used bibliometric descriptive techniques, to offer answers concerning the foremost cited authors and their affiliated institutions and countries. Most language used is English. We were additionally mapping authors, co-occurrences,  as keywords analysis, and visual image of bibliometric networks. We tend to use for analyzing, mapping, and visualizing bibliometric networks Vosviewer. The terms and their clusters were utilized supported the results recommendations to determine challenges for the innovation and after in the school’s management. The findings show that the literature refers expressly to DL, there are a variety of attention-grabbing insights within the theoretical articles a number of interesting insights into the theoretical articles. The investigation concludes for more multidisciplinary analysis at the intersection of the fields. To point out the holistic landscape of this field. The research concludes with recommendations supported the results of multidisciplinary studies, it is a holistic landscape of this field. Also, this class of analysis will be thought-about as associate degree innovative and relevant field of study for the scientific community within the time.

Palabras clave

Bibliometric Analysis Citation analysis Distributed leaership Maps Scopus Web of Science

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      Inmaculada Martínez-García

      Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 11:39:38

      Buenos días,
      en primer lugar le felicito por su investigación, está presentada de una manera muy clara y visual y me ha sido de gran ayuda para conocer la herramienta WOSviewer. Me gustaría saber si en el proceso de revisión ha encontrado alguna relación entre el liderazgo distribuido y la variable género y si no es así, si considera que deberían hacerse investigaciones al respecto.
      Un saludo y muchas gracias,


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        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 12:18:54

        Muy buenos días Dra.
        Gracias por su tiempo y su pregunta.
        Evidentemente se debe estudiar el género y el liderazgo distribuido. En este caso en particular se desarrolló el liderazgo distribuido y las variables estadísticas que nos brindan las dos bases de datos.
        Ahora bien, dispongo de bases de datos del tema en el gestor de Mendeley y seria cuestión de seleccionar estos estudios. Sería otro enfoque una revisión cualitativa basados en el análisis documental profundo y quizás se pueden usar cartografía conceptual.
        Un saludo y un mejor 2021.
        Dra. Ingrid del Valle García Carreño.


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      Alexander Maz Machado

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 10:31:06

      Es interesante el tema, es una pena que no se hayan aportado valores numéricos que apoyen los resultados que nos permitirían comprender mejor los hallazgos.
      Sería posible conocer cuáles fueron los descriptores utilizados para la recuperación de la información. Así mismo, si la búsqueda se realizado en todo WoS y SCOPUS o se acoto a las categorías relacionadas con educación.
      Un saludo.


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        Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 10:36:17

        Muy buenos días, Alexander.
        Ante todo gracias por tu participación.
        Si hay datos numéricos desde luego los hay.
        Si ves la presentación en YouTube lo verás. Sumado a que en la comunicación escrita estará el detalle de todo lo revisado.
        Te deseo mucha salud
        Dra. Ingrid del Valle García Carreño


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      Javier San Martin

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 09:05:35

      Thank you very much for the presentation.
      My question concerns the Distributed leadership's relationship with Bass's traditional concepts: transactional and transformational leadership. Is this leadership (DL) an evolution or brand-new topic not related to them?
      All the best,


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        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 12:27:18

        Good morning
        Dear Javier San Martin
        Bass´s theory is always important.
        Distributed leadership is an emergent leadership.
        You can find here a very good article of distributed leadership:
        Best regards
        Ph.D. Ingrid del Valle García Carreño.


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