English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) used in the High Academic Performance Group in the Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Valencia

Introduction: In recent years, there has been increased focus on the need of internationalization of the higher education institutions in Spain1. With this purpose, in the academic year 2011/2012, in accordance with the policy for teaching in foreign languages in the higher education supported by the local government (Generalitat Valenciana), the University of Valencia established a “High Academic Performance Group” (HAPG), which employs English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) methodology2 with at least 50% of the core credits delivered in English. The Degree in Pharmacy is one of the 8 degrees at the University of Valencia that currently offer HAPG, with an average of 32 (24-44) students that enroll every year.

Objectives: The aim was to assess several language-related aspects related to EMI in HAPG students.

Methods: 3rd year HAPG students over the academic years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 were assessed using a multiple-choice questionnaire (anonymous survey). Foreign students were excluded. We explored aspects such as the reason why students enrolled in the HAPG, their initial and their current level of English, the main difficulties they encountered as students that are instructed in English, and their satisfaction with the HAPG teaching.

Results: The survey was taken by 70 students. When asked about the reason of their enrollment in the HAPG, more than 50% of the students replied that it was because it had greater international perspective and promised more internationalization in their future professional development than the ordinary studies. Almost 30% of students stated that they had enrolled in the HAPG because they wished to improve their English. The survey revealed that the level of English of HAPG students is sufficient as to be able to attend the classes and participate in all the activities, however students´ oral skills in English need to be improved. The initial certified level of English of most of the students is B2, obtained mainly by attending extracurricular language schools (>60% of the students); however, an important number of students obtain C1 level while studying the Degree. Of note, the majority of the students (>70%) find enrolling in the HAPG a satisfying experience, even though many (>50%) reported that the teachers’ level of English is “satisfactory but needs to be improved”.

Conclusion: Students that enroll in the HAPG in the Degree of Pharmacy have a satisfactory level of English, obtained from their previous education; however, this competence in the context of EMI particularly regarding their oral skill needs to be improved. HAPG students find internationalization an import aspect of their studies. We do not observe major differences in any of the parameters assessed over the studied years (2018-2020).

Palabras clave

EMI methodology English internationalization Pharmacy

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Mª Carmen Montesinos Mezquita

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Nadezda Apostolova

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      Miquel Duran Portas

      Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 10:55:52

      I teach Chemical Kinetics in English at the 3rd year of Biotechnology Degree. It is compulsory for all studients, and English is used for everything. Do you think that English should be made compulsory at lesast for a few courses in a higher education degree? Why are they students that do not consider taking classes in English to improve their skills in English as a second (or third) language?


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        Mª Carmen Montesinos Mezquita

        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 19:41:03

        Thank you for the question. I do not agree with the idea that English should be compulsory as the vehicular language for certain courses for all students. In my experience, for some students the effort would be too much to take; although, another important reason is the lack of teachers willing to teach in English.
        An interesting solution would be an intermediate approach, using English as the medium of instruction for certain activities, not the whole course. This is, in fact, taking place in most subjects, where they use excerpts of articles written in English.
        In the experience that we have presented, only one group out of four in Year 3 of the Degree in Pharmacy receives the classes in English and students voluntarily enrolled in it. Most students in Pharmacy School study English as a second or third language (many are already bilingual with Valencian) and many also study other languages. Eventually, there are also some students proficient in English that were not able to enroll in the English group (wrongly named "high performance group") because places are limited.


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      Sara Pérez Martínez

      Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 14:19:00

      Buenos días, enhorabuena por el trabajo. Tal y como están mencioanndo otras pesonas asistentes a este congreso, un trabajo necesario y ejemplar para los y las docentes. En un mundo como el actual, trabajos como el que han presentado, así como otras propuestas de formento de la internacionalización del cv, estancias y visitas de estudiantes y PDI, entre otras, son una realidad.
      Un saludo.
      Sara Pérez


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        Mª Carmen Montesinos Mezquita

        Comentó el 11/12/2020 a las 19:16:51

        Gracias Sara,
        Aunque es una realidad, todavía hay profesores reticentes a dar el "salto" a impartir la docencia en inglés, aunque son investigadores que lo utilizan habitualmente para escribir artículos de investigación. Al igual que muchos estudiantes, el motivo principal es que no se sienten seguros con lo que inglés denominamos "oral skills". Poco a poco.


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      Comentó el 07/12/2020 a las 19:07:33

      Estimadas compañeras:

      Buenas tardes, y mi enhorabuena por su magnífico trabajo, nos ha encantado conocer su experiencia. En la Universidad de Almería son ya diversas las experiencias en Plurilingüismo (inglés), si bien en las Ciencias de la Salud aún resultan escasas, en parte por la reticencia o ciertas reservas del profesorado para participar (quizá esta tendencia cambie con la incorporación de profesorado más joven, tal vez con mayor formación en lengua inglesa y metodologías específicas para la enseñanza de contenidos en idioma inglés).
      Quería consultarles precisamente en este sentido, sobre la actitud del profesorado, su participación, etc., desde su propia experiencia.
      Muchas gracias de antemano por su amable respuesta, y de nuevo enhorabuena.
      Un saludo muy cordial.


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        Nadezda Apostolova

        Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 10:14:13

        Buenos dias Manuel, gracias por sus amables palabras. En el caso de los grupos ARA, tanto de los estudios de Medicina como los de Farmacia en la Universitat de Valencia, la aceptación al plurilingüismo es buena. La participación del profesorado es voluntaria y realmente son los docentes que consideran su inglés suficientemente bueno, los que deciden impartir en estos grupos. Sí, es cierto que predominan los docentes jovenes. Aun así, somos conscientes de las deficiencias y en ese sentido queda mucho trabajo por realizar. En mi opinión, ya ha pasado suficiente tiempo (casi 10 años) desde el inicio de esta iniciativa por lo que el periodo de prueba ya ha terminado y se deberia hacer un análisis por parte de las institiciones (la Generalitat Valenciana) sobre el rendimiento y funcionalidad de estos grupos. Otros problema es que los grupos se denominan de "alto rendimiento académico" que en mi opinion es un término inadecuado en este caso.


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      Comentó el 06/12/2020 a las 19:17:35

      Creo que esta ponencia ilustra una iniciativa muy importante para el impacto científico de la Universidad Española. Me declaro amante de la Lengua de Cervantes pero debo felicitar a estas investigadoras y docentes de la Universidad de Valencia.
      Un saludo.


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        Nadezda Apostolova

        Comentó el 10/12/2020 a las 10:07:04

        Muchas gracias Manuel. En un mundo tan globalizado, se hace necesario que los alumnos y los docentes universitarios sean capaces de desenvolverse en una lengua L2. Creemos que la iniciativa funciona al menos en el ambito de las ciencias de la salud donde hay tanta literatura en otras lenguas y donde la problematica del estudio es universal.


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